[ART] Making shaders, light setups and particles

Over the course of the last week, I’ve been working up a variety of different things.

For starters, I’ve created a shader that suits our specific game style and has opacity map support. Also worked on the light setup and lightbakes. Due to some performance related issue the current build does not yet have the completed light bake. It should however be fixed and implemented before next weeks flega cafe meetup, where we will be presenting a version that reflects our game as it should be.

The shader and light bakes are rather technical and are usually not my terrain of expertise, but I feel like I’ve learned quite a bit this week and I can safely say that I’m rather satisfied with the visual results so far.

Also in progress this week are the particle effects. Posted below are two paints I did that are used to showcase certain pickups (particles) the player can pick up while running.



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